厦门博饼习俗及英文翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 brics official website 厦门博饼习俗及英文翻译


2023-03-07 20:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

博饼(掷骰子得月饼游戏,是一种将六个骰子扔进碗里,不同数字组合得到不同分数和奖品的游戏)是厦门中秋节特有的节日活动。Bobing (Mooncake Dice Game, a game in which six dice are thrown into a bowl and the different combinations of numbers result in different scores and prizes) is a unique festive activity in Xiamen during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

数百年来,它一直被当地人保留为中秋传统,形成了厦门市独特的月饼文化的一部分。It has been kept as a Mid-Autumn tradition by the locals for hundreds of years, forming part of the city’s particular mooncake culture.

博饼是一种非常有趣的游戏,因为人们可以掷骰子来获得好运。当地人认为,博到状元(字面意思是授予最高科举考试第一名的称号,这里指的是头等奖)的人将享有一年的好运。那当然是因为人们在游戏中投入了太多的感情。这也解释了为什么厦门人如此重视中秋节,甚至有人认为中秋节比春节还重要。Bobing is a highly enjoyable game as people roll dices for good luck. The locals believe that someone who rolls a Zhuangyuan (literally meaning the title conferred on the top-ranking candidate in the highest imperial examination, which here means the top prize) will enjoy a year of good fortune. That is of course because people put so much feeling into the game. It explains why the Xiamenese place so much importance on the Mid-Autumn Festival, some even regarding it as more important than Spring Festival.

按照规矩,一桌的人数一般在五到十人之间,最高奖“金花状元”是通过掷出四颗红四和两颗红一来获得的。According to the rules, there are usually between five and ten people at a Bobing table, and the top prize, “Zhuangyuan with a golden flower”, is achieved by rolling four red fours and two red ones.


English text source:BRICS official website






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